The Doggy Bag: The Lemonade Edition
Everyone answers to somebody, so we, the staff at, have
decided to defer to our readers. In this edition of The Doggy Bag,
‘TUF 15’ Recap: Episode 7
These are dire times for Team Cruz, and no one is more aware of
this fact than Vinc Pichel,
who states his intentions as he enters his locker...
‘TUF 15’ Recap: Episode 2
We open Week 2 with live footage of two unidentified fighters
warming up to square off live at the end of the episode, followed
by a quick recap...
TUF 14 Finale Prelims: 5 Reasons to Care
The final season of “The Ultimate Fighter” on Spike TV proved to be
an important one, ushering in the organization’s full-blown