Matches to Make after WEC 50
Joseph Benavidez file photo:
The favorite sport of Norman Mailer’s ghost brought serious game in the form of WEC 50 on...
Aug 19, 2010
Winners, Losers from UFC 117 Prelims
We live in a world full of rubs, ranging from inadequate Pop Tart
supplies to cats that never let anyone sleep past 6:30 a.m. OK,
this might be...
A Battle with the Boogeyman
With a little more than five minutes of professional mixed martial
arts experience under his belt, Matt
Mitrione finds his name near the top of...
UFC 113 Preview: The Prelims
Prelim fights are a lot like “Futurama” -- spectacular
entertainment that is mostly appreciated by nerds of epic
May 06, 2010
UFC 108 Primer
D. Mandel/
How beleaguered is the UFC’s first card of the new year? Hampered by recurring injuries and illness, it’s...